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    • #23004

      In Honnavar, Uttara Karnataka district, there is a push from the state for more unsustainable methods of fishing like Purse seines and pelagic trawlers through increased incentives. Additionally, a harbor has been constructed only to cater to these large-scale fishers, leaving very little room for small-scale artisanal fishers- who by nature are sustainable in their practice. The blue economy model is shrinking spaces for traditional fishers, further marginalizing them.

    • #23007

      Purse seine fishing is generally considered more efficient and sustainable as compared to pelagic trawlers as it has no contact with the sea-bed and has low levels of by-catch provided the mesh size is large enough to let smaller fish free.

      Despite certain regulations in place, with a lack of monitoring, the mesh size of these nets a really small (refer to photo), increasing by-catch.

      For more info regarding the two types of fishing-https://www.msc.org/what-we-are-doing/our-approach/fishing-methods-and-gear-types/purse-seine

    • #23014

      This is in the Uttara Kannada region*

    • #27189
      Purnendu Kavoori

      Do we have any information on how local fisher communities are responding to this or even what the think about the impact of these changes?

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